Subtle Aspects Affecting Your Carpet Choice

Subtle Aspects Affecting Your Carpet Choice

Carpets add a luxurious, cosy, and warm feel to any interior space, room, and home, and also add comfort and elegance to your lifestyle.

You can choose the most appropriate carpet material following your budget and preferences if you are aware of the carpet’s aspects including fibre material, pile type, pile height, durability, ease of cleaning and maintenance, and grades.

The below-given guide will help you make the best carpet choice for your home.

Are you over-cleaning your carpets? Learn How Often To Clean The Carpets

Are you over-cleaning your carpets? Learn How Often To Clean The Carpets

There is no doubt about the multiple benefits of carpet cleaning; dust, pet or human hair, and pollution accumulating on the surface which creates a bad environment for your loved ones, carpet cleaning gets rid of allergens and other particles that could trigger an allergic reaction in your household, while also removing stains and helping your home look and feel clean and fresh.

Considering all the benefits that come with carpet cleaning it seems like you could do it every day with no consequences right? Well, cleaning your carpet too much could be shortening the life of your carpets…but how do you know if you are cleaning your carpet too much?

This article will help you know how often to clean the carpets and signs that you are cleaning it too much.

How Often Should You Clean The Carpets?

There are several factors you should keep into consideration regarding carpet cleaning frequency.

When it comes to vacuuming, consider doing it at least once a week if there is light foot traffic in your household, or twice a week if there is high foot traffic.

However, if you have pets or children at home you should consider doing it daily or at least twice a week at a minimum.

When it comes to getting the carpet professionally cleaned, we recommend that you do it at least once a year if there is light foot traffic.

However, there are many situations in which you may require to clean them more frequently. You can speak to our team for advice about carpet cleaning for your household.

Family Members with Allergies or chronic diseases such as Asthma

One of the biggest consequences of not cleaning your carpet comes with the build-up of allergens such as pet hair or particles that will become airborne once a person walks through it.

Maybe if you don’t have allergies it won’t affect you as much as it would a person with asthma or allergies.

In those cases, depending on the severity of allergies, you may need to vacuum your carpets daily and get them professionally cleaned 2 or 3 times per year.

You will be able to monitor allergy symptoms in conjunction with your carpet cleaning routine to determine the best outcome.

The Color of the Carpet Matters

Light color carpets look elegant and brighten every room but they are also more prone to show dust particles and stains are harder to remove.

However, it will become easier to detect when they are dirty. Experts recommend that you get them professionally cleaned twice a year, not considering other household factors.

Avoid Warranty Issues

Some warranties request that you clean your carpet at least once a year and save the receipts in case you experience any warranty issues.

Check your carpet warranty and ensure you stick to their carpet cleaning recommendations as a minimum.

Pets in the House

Even if you have a pet breed that doesn’t shed a lot, pet hair is a common thing that you will find on your carpet.

Not to mention that even well-trained pets can urinate, poop, or vomit on the carpets, leading to stains and unpleasant odors.

We recommend vacuuming high traffic areas every day or two if you have pets in the house, and vacuum the entire house at least once per week.

Get the carpet professionally cleaned at least twice a year if you have pets in the home.

You Have Kids

Kids love to play and get dirty and that’s fine except for your carpet which is going to get dirty more easily.

Kids also love to play on the carpet which means that you should keep it clean for their sake as well.

Vacuum carpets weekly and spot clean any stains or food crumbs daily. Get the carpets professionally cleaned twice a year.

Are You Overcleaning your Carpets? Reasons why you may not need to clean them as frequently

After reading our section above, you should already know if you are cleaning your carpets on the proper frequency or if you are overcleaning them and if you are still unsure as to why you shouldn’t clean them more than necessary here are some reasons:

It Wears Down The Carpet

A carpet is quite an investment so it is in your best interest that it lasts as long as possible.

While cleaning it properly has proven to increase life expectancy, doing it too often can cause the exact opposite, wearing it down by loosening the fibers and make it easier for it to get dirty or get stains.

No Difference If Carpets Are Already Clean

Cleaning your carpet when it is needed means that you will feel like you have a fresher and more aesthetically pleasing home, you notice the difference right away.

But when you clean it too often you are actually just wasting your time because the carpet will look and feel the same after the work is done.

Sometimes Spot Cleaning is Enough

If there is a stain or a particular carpet area that needs to get cleaned, but you recently had your carpets professionally cleaned then you should consider spot cleaning.

This is a quicker and more affordable solution that will restore your carpet to its original condition without having to get the entire area cleaned again.

Recognise an Overwet Carpet and prevent it

One of the biggest issues of overcleaning your carpet is that moisture sets in the fibers which attracts mold and triggers allergies.

The first step to preventing it is to follow our advice on the frequency in which you should get the carpets cleaned.

Make sure the carpet fully dries before anyone starts walking through it. Be consistent with the vacuuming so it doesn’t become necessary to clean it more often.

How do you know that you have an overwet carpet?

The signs are clear: after 6 or 7 hours of cleaning the carpet it is still damp, the carpet turns grey and green in some spots, you notice a musty smell that is quite specific to damp things and you notice your family members with allergies are way more sensitive when around the carpet.

Let Us Help You With Professional Steam Carpet Cleaning

Myer Carpet Cleaning is a company based in Melbourne, Australia, who are ready to assist you with creating a carpet cleaning schedule that works according to your needs.

If you have any questions about how often you should clean your carpets and have them professionally cleaned, please get in touch with our friendly team, we will be happy to help.

How To Maintain Clean Carpets After A Professional Carpet Clean

How To Maintain Clean Carpets After A Professional Carpet Clean

Carpets are an excellent addition to any home. For one, it makes the home feel more luxurious while also giving off the vibe of comfort and coziness.

From time to time, you’ll have to hire a professional carpet cleaning service.

To make sure that you get the most bang for your buck, below are a few tips to help you maintain clean carpet after a professional carpet clean.

What To Do Immediately After Professional Carpet Cleaning

The first few hours after the professionals are done with the carpet cleaning service are the most crucial. Below are a few essential points to keep in mind.

  • Utilize warm air to dry the carpet when possible
    arpet fibers dry more quickly in warm air. If it’s chilly outside, crank up the heat and switch on a floor fan.
    On the other hand, if it is a warm day, turn off your air conditioning, open the windows, and point one or more fans at the carpet.
    Either way, warm air will be circulated, aiding evaporation, and reducing the amount of time it takes for the carpet to dry thoroughly.

  • Keep off the carpet
    A freshly cleaned carpet should be clear of both people and pets.
    It would be best if you tried to avoid walking on your carpet until you are sure it has dried completely.
    While you’re at it, make sure your kids understand the importance of not walking in the area.
    If you are unable to avoid walking on it for whatever reason, it is recommended that you do so while wearing clean socks made of cotton or a pair of home slippers that are for indoor use only.
    Also, choose the shortest route feasible.

  • Don’t immediately move back the furniture
    While the carpet is drying, any furniture previously positioned on top of the carpet but was moved should not be returned immediately.
    Alternatively, if the specialist carpet cleaners place something beneath the furniture, don’t touch or remove anything until the carpet has had time to dry.
    Vacuum the carpet once it has dried to reduce the amount of debris that gets stuck in your freshly cleaned carpet’s fibers.
    After that, you can start placing the furniture back in its place.

  • Use a carpet protector
    Following a professional carpet cleaning, industry professionals recommend using a carpet protection product and applying it to the freshly cleaned carpet, depending on the type of carpet you have.
    Dirt and stains will not easily adhere to and penetrate the fibers of your carpet as a result of this application.
    Thus, you can go longer without needing to hire a carpet cleaning service.
    It’s best to ask your carpet cleaning professional for specific advice on carpet protectors for your carpet.

What To Do In Between A Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

Now that you have a good idea of what to do right after the cleaning service, the tips below will help keep your carpet clean for longer.

  • Clean stains and spills immediately
    on’t freak out if something gets spilled on your carpet or if you discover a fresh stain on it.
    Instead, try to eliminate the stain or wipe up the spill as soon as possible.
    The more time you take before cleaning the stain, the harder it will be to get the carpet clean again.

  • Don’t rub
    When you clean your carpet, you should avoid forcefully rubbing any area.
    Rubbing causes damage to the fibers.
    Furthermore, it just makes things worst most of the time.
    Instead, use a cloth to blot the stain to remove it.
    You can consult a specialist to help you choose the best spot treatment option between professional cleaning appointments.

  • Vacuum regularly
    More dirt and filth will accumulate on your carpet’s fibers the longer you go between vacuuming sessions, and the harder it will be to get rid of them.
    A good rule of thumb is to vacuum carpets at least once per week, preferably twice per week.
    Also, high-traffic carpets need more vacuuming.

  • Use mats at home entrances
    If you use a mat, the amount of dirt tracked into your home by your guests and family will be reduced.
    Put a mat outside your door to keep the dirt and debris from getting inside.
    Also, if possible, have guests and family remove their shoes before entering.

  • Avoid direct sunlight
    On a hot day, opening the windows and blinds may seem like a brilliant idea.
    However, the sun’s UV radiation can cause a deterioration of your carpet.
    Dark carpets are particularly susceptible to sun damage.
    If you have carpets near the windows, it’s best to have the windows covered with a special film that blocks the UV light from passing through the glass.

A Word About Vacuuming You Carpets

Arguably, vacuuming is the most important task for keeping your carpet clean and prolonging its longevity. Hence, below are a few tips for doing it the correct way.

  • Set the right speed
    Vacuuming at the right pace is one of the best carpet cleaning tactics you can employ.
    This will depend on the type of carpet you have and the effectiveness of your vacuum.
    Generally, don’t try to vacuum too fast, slow it down.
    Also, move the vacuum forward and backward as you work. This enables the vibrations of the machine to dislodge any dirt and debris.

  • Be mindful about the vacuum
    Consider the appliance’s inner workings when vacuuming.
    In order for your vacuum cleaner to work correctly, it must be able to draw in enough air.
    If you have the habit of letting the vacuum get packed to the brim before you unload it, it will be less effective.

  • Pick the right tool
    acuum cleaners come in various styles and designs.
    Ensure you know what will work best with your carpet.
    For example, vacuums with beater bars should not be used on carpets or rugs crafted from natural materials or have looping fibers.
    Additionally, it would help if you employed the right accessory for the task. For example, you’ll need a crevice tool for corners and edges.

Final Thoughts On Maintaining Clean Carpets After A Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

If you own a carpet, then having them cleaned by a professional is a must if you want to increase the life your carpets, keep them looking fresh and reduce allergens in your home.

You can follow the critical points mentioned above to ensure that your carpets remain as clean as possible in between booking your professional carpet cleaning services.

9 Pro Carpet Cleaning Insider Tips to Keep Your Carpet Looking Newer For Longer

9 Pro Carpet Cleaning Insider Tips to Keep Your Carpet Looking Newer For Longer

Carpets are a significant investment. They can add value to your home and furnishings, or they can become a liability because of the poor condition they present.

Many homeowners overlook the importance of carpet cleaning and maintenance, which can lead to later costly repairs. It’s essential to clean your carpets regularly, especially if you have children or pets in the house.

Carpet cleaning is not difficult if you understand how to do it correctly. Many people struggle with this process because they don’t know what products to use or how often to clean their carpets.

In this article, we will discuss 9 pro carpet cleaning insider tips to keep your carpet looking newer for longer.

Carpet Cleaning Insider Tips

1. Keep Your Shoes Off the Carpet

One of the best ways to keep your carpet looking new is by keeping your shoes off the carpet. Shoes are one of the biggest culprits in staining carpets, especially when worn on hard surfaces.

Shoes will scrape against your carpet and can cause scuff marks and even damage the fibers that make up your carpet. If you have kids, you probably know this better than anyone else.

When people step on your carpet, they usually have dirty shoes on their feet that leave a mess behind them. The stain left behind on these shoes will only worsen if it isn’t dealt with immediately.

To prevent this from happening, try to keep your shoes off the carpets.

Pro Carpet Cleaning Insider Tip: It’s also a good idea to wear socks on the carpet instead of going barefoot. This minimises oils from your feet getting into the carpet and causing discolouratio over time.

2. Vacuum Your Carpets Often

Vacuuming is one of the most critical steps in keeping your carpet looking new. Vacuuming removes dirt, debris, and dust that can accumulate over time. It also eliminates the possibility of pet hair being left behind.

If you’re busy, it’s easy to forget to vacuum your carpets regularly. But doing so can prevent unsightly stains on your carpets and keep them looking cleaner for longer.

Another reason why vacuuming is so important is that it helps prevent mold from forming in your home, especially in humid locations. Mold often appears on carpets due to humidity levels in the air – which is why vacuuming is essential if you have pets or children frequently coming into contact with their feet.

Here are some tips for vacuuming your carpets:

  • Vacuum regularly. It’s easy to ignore that you should vacuum your carpets, but this is one of the best ways to prevent wear and tear on your carpet. If you don’t vacuum often enough, the carpet will wear down faster through staining and dirt than if you vacuum it regularly.

  • Use a handheld or upright vacuum with a beater bar or brushbar attachment. This type of vacuum has a rotating brush that can help sweep away dirt and debris from deep within the fibers of your carpeting material.


  • Use an attachment designed specifically for cleaning stairs or furniture legs. Some attachments have wide bristles that can pick up large amounts of dirt and debris, while others have smaller bristles that can pick up smaller particles like dust bunnies and pet hair more effectively than larger brushes.

3. Use Rubber Mats Under Furniture Legs

When you have furniture that drags on the floor or a rug that collects a lot of dirt, you may not think twice about cleaning it. But if you have a carpeted floor in your home, this could be why it doesn’t look as lovely as it should.

Carpets are not only one of the most common places where dirt accumulates, but also one of the most complex surfaces to clean thoroughly. Most people don’t realise how much work is involved in keeping carpets clean until they try cleaning them themselves.

If you want to avoid having problems with your carpet or other flooring surfaces in the future, then you should use rubber mats under furniture legs so that they don’t drag on the carpet.

4. Remove Throw Rugs Regularly

A throw rug in your living room can collect dirt, dust, hair, and other debris over time. If you don’t clean it regularly, the pile of dirt and debris will eventually accumulate and cause more issues such as staining, discolouration and allergic reactions.

5. Treat Stains as Soon as Possible

It’s important to treat stains immediately, so they don’t fall into the carpet fibers. Before cleaning your carpets, remove as much of the stain as possible with blotting paper or a sponge by dabbing it onto a dry area of the carpet.

Then rinse the area with cold water to prevent further staining from occurring in that area; if necessary, repeat this process until there is no more stain left on your carpet or upholstery.

6. Avoid Cheap Cleaning Agents

Cheap cleaning agents can cause your carpet to fade faster and less effectively remove stains.

They are made with harsh chemicals that can damage the fibers of your carpet over time. And, if these chemicals aren’t removed properly, they can also be a cause for concern with your health.

7. Seek Professional Carpet Cleaning Help

Professional carpet cleaners are trained to use professional equipment and safe cleaning products for your home and family members. They will also know how to remove tough stains without damaging the fibers of your carpet.

If you want to avoid damage to your carpet, seek out a professional who specialises in cleaning carpets.

It’s important to get a deep, thorough carpet clean at least one or twice a year. This, along with regular cleaning in between professional cleans, will keep your carpets in great condition and help them last a long time. 

8. Use the Right Tools for the Job


Pro Carpet Cleaning Insider Tip: Using a standard vacuum cleaner to clean your carpet will not remove all of the dirt and debris from the carpet fibers. Instead, it would help if you used a quality vacuum with a rotating brush or vacuum attachment with scrubbing bristles on the back of its hose to help remove dirt deep in your carpet fibers.

9. Remove Pet Hair Using A Window Squeegee

Pro Carpet Cleaning Insider Tip: Pet hair can be challenging to remove from carpets because it tends to stick together when it dries out. To combat this challenge, use an old window squeegee with a clean paintbrush attached to its handle.

This tool will allow you to easily remove pet hair from your carpets without leaving any sticky residue! Make sure you use only natural bristles on this tool so as not to scratch or damage your flooring surface.


Final Words on our Carpet Cleaning Insider Tips

The key to cleaning and maintaining your carpet is to treat it right. You likely take care of your home, but when was the last time you took care of your carpet? If you have pets or kids, they probably play on it daily. In this post, we’ve covered tips and information on keeping your carpet looking new for longer.