Best Ways to Effectively Clean your Carpet

Best Ways to Effectively Clean your Carpet

Knowing how to clean your carpets effectively is essential for anyone who has carpets in their home.

Whether the carpet is throughout the house or only in bedrooms, keeping them clean will not only prolong their life but also keep your home free of accumulating dust, allergens, and mould. 

Keeping your carpets clean involves frequent vacuuming and periodic deeper cleanings. 

Carpets tend to take a lot of abuse daily. Be it from shoes, children, or pets to various spills, hence requiring constant care to remain in good shape, and enjoy longevity. 

Below are some actionable carpet cleaning steps and tips to help make the chore easier and more efficient.

How To Clean Carpets Effectively

How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet?

Knowing how often to clean your carpets is crucial to prevent overcleaning and prolong their lifespan.

Wall-to-wall carpets and specific area rugs need vacuuming at least once a week to remove general dust buildup. However, if you have kids or are a pet parent, you should vacuum high traffic areas at least three times a week or as needed. 

Also, any kind of stains and spills should be treated and cleaned as soon as possible to avoid long term effects. 

Even as you do your best to vacuum your carpet as often as possible, it’s advisable to get professional carpet cleaning services at least once or twice a year to give your carpets a deep clean, reduce allergens, increase carpet longevity and give your home a bright and fresh feel. 

How To Go About Routine Carpet Cleaning

Remove the dirt and dust

Dirt and dust will make your carpet seem dull and even smelly. And if left there for long, they can wear out the carpet’s fibres and backing. 

Invest in a vacuum with a strong suction vacuum to remove dirt and dust as regularly as possible. If you don’t have a vacuum, consider using a broom or any other carpet sweeper. 

For best results:

  • Move the furniture and any other thing from the carpet
  • Adjust the vacuum settings to ensure you achieve the best suction
  • Slowly vacuum your carpet, focusing more on high traffic areas, until you’re completely satisfied with the results.
  • Get a lint roller and use it to clean up any excess pet hair or crumbs
  • If you’re a pet parent, use a rubber-edged squeegee over your carpet to collect any excess hair

PRO TIP: During your monthly cleaning session, generously sprinkle some baking powder on the carpet, and let it sit for 1-2 hours or more, before vacuuming it. This will leave your carpet smelling fresh and looking so bright.


How to Spot Clean your Carpet for Stains

The best time to treat any type of carpet stain is as quickly as you notice it. 

For instance, if you notice a liquid spill, reach out to your paper towel or cloth, and blot the moisture away. Ensure the cloth is white or colour-fast to ensure you don’t get dye from your cloth into your carpets.

When dealing with solid stains such as mud or food droppings, avoid rubbing them and instead use something like a dull knife or any solid card to lift them away. 

Afterwards, use a mixture of vinegar, dish soap and water in a spray bottle to spray the area, let it soak for around 10 minutes before blotting with a dry clean towel. 

When and How Often Should You Get Professional Carpet Cleaning?

As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to hire a professional carpet cleaner for your home at least once or twice a year for a deep carpet cleaning.

However, you can always call on a professional carpet cleaner more often or whenever you find yourself dealing with stubborn stains and need help to remove them.

Also, any deep-seated dirt needs an expert to help remove it to ensure no damage is done to the carpet fibres.

Remember, carpet cleaning professionals use proper equipment and products for a thorough and high-quality job. 

How To Maintain a Clean Carpet After Professional Cleaning?

After you have invested in a professional carpet cleaning, you need to work on keeping it looking good and maintaining that high-quality cleaning. But how?

Directly after the carpet cleaning, ensure it’s completely dry before walking on it again. 

Avoid walking barefoot on it, especially after applying oils or moisturiser on your feet to avoid the oily residues from attracting dust and even looking dirty.

Ensure you clean stains and spills immediately by blotting. The longer they stay, the harder it would be to remove. 

Vacuum your carpet regularly, even when it appears clean to get rid of dirt and dust. 

Here are additional tips on maintaining clean carpets after a professional carpet cleaning.

It’s That Easy!

We hope the above tips and insights help you learn how to clean carpets. Feel free to get in touch with Myer Carpet Cleaning for any further advice or book a carpet cleaning or steam cleaning service. 

Why Your Carpet is Changing Colour

Why Your Carpet is Changing Colour

The colour scheme of your home is a big part of the design process, and the carpet is vital to tying your colour scheme together.

It’s worth spending the time to diagnose any potential problems with the carpet you are choosing before it becomes a problem.

When purchasing new carpet for your home, you may want to check if any dyes have been used to colour the carpets.

Different dyes react differently to both environmental factors and cleaning products, which could leave you with a case of blue carpets turning pink and other possibile colour changes.

If not scrutinised properly before buying, there are possibilities that a carpet may need to be replaced due to discolouration, or colour change, way before the life of the material is over.

The factors behind the colour change of a carpet are usually created by environmental reasons rather than manmade or controllable circumstances.


Carpet Colour Changes. Professional Steam Carpet Cleaning servicing Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth Australia

There are two major factors contributing towards carpet colour change.

  1. Fume fading: Occurs due to change in the dye chemicals because of environmental factors such as air pollution, excessive amount of nitrogen oxides and sulphur combined with over exposure to sun, heat, acidic materials in the carpet, and high humidity. The change in colour in such cases is usually gradual and starts at the tufts and progresses towards the backing. Some common examples are turning of blue to pink, brown to red and green to yellow.
  2. Ozone fading: Usually caused by ozone exposure in the surrounding environment combined with sun exposure and excessive heat. Ozone fading is more common in the urban area where the amount of ozone in the air is increased because of electrical motors, lightning storms and fluorescent lights and the reaction between the polluted air and light. Ozone fading usually results in faded and lightened colour and many times a complete change of colour similar to fume fading.

Before purchasing a carpet, it is important to check the kind of dye material that has been used for colouration.

There are instances wherein an indicator dye is used for colouring of carpet which is highly sensitive to alkaline products and may change colour if washed with ammonia or alkaline detergents.

This is called the ‘Indicator Effect’ and can be reversed with the usage of acidic products.

There are dyes that are sensitive to acid and changes colour if exposed to acidic cleaners and vinegar. In such cases ammonia can be used to restore colour.

It is important to keep in mind that the ageing process also contributes to the change in colour and it is important to take the help of professional carpet cleaners who are well equipped to handle such situations.

Forgotten Spills On Carpets

Forgotten Spills On Carpets

Do you sometimes see a stain on your carpet and wonder where that came from? Forgotten spills on carpets can be difficult to remove.

Some stains do not show up immediately. They are usually from spilled liquid containing colourless sugar.

In time and after long exposure to the air, the spilled liquid has changed to an insoluble brown stain.

Steam Cleaning for carpet spills and stains. Myer Carpet Cleaning. Servicing Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth Australia

Other kinds of stains can be caused by water soaking through and absorbing sizings, browning or fugitive dyes from the backs of the material.

Because the fibres act as wicks, moisture will rise to the surface to evaporate, and discoloration will be left.

Consumers who try to remove stains by using wrong cleaning compounds and procedures, may only make the stained areas more noticeable.

To lessen the possibility of stain damage, immediate action should be taken:


  • Thoroughly absorb all moisture and, when possible, put a ½ inch thickness of clean white absorbent material over the area, weighing it down
  • Call your professional cleaner to learn how to remove the spot safely before it becomes a permanent stain.

Steam Cleaning vs Dry Cleaning

Steam Cleaning vs Dry Cleaning

There are two methods of professional carpet cleaning commonly used – steam cleaning (hot water extraction), and dry cleaning. Here we will explore the differences and benefits of steaming cleaning vs dry cleaning.

Winter, the season of leaking roofs and muddy feet leaving stains and dirt on your carpets is upon us. According to the Carpet Institute of Australia (yes, really), maintaining your carpet properly will help to retain its original appearance as long as possible, and can improve the quality of the air in your home.

In addition to weekly vacuuming and spot cleaning, the Carpet Institute recommends having your carpets cleaned by a professional service every 12 months. 

professional steam carpet cleaning by Myer Carpet Cleaning servicing Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth Australia

Steam Carpet Cleaning

Also known as hot water extraction, this cleaning methods works by forcing hot water into the carpet using a high-pressure jet spray, and then vacuuming the water out.

This is typically performed using either a truck-mounted or a portable machine. Your steam-cleaning technician will

  • vacuum the carpet to remove any dust or surface dirt
  • spot-treat any stains and marks with a cleaning agent
  • use a pre-spray to soften the surface tension of the carpet.

This allows the hot water to penetrate the fibres more effectively, allowing for a deeper clean.

Drying time following a hot water extraction treatment will vary, but with adequate ventilation, 6 – 8 hours is typical.

If your carpet takes longer than 24 hours to dry, your technician has not extracted enough water during the cleaning process.

Dry Carpet Cleaning

Despite the name, this method still uses some water, though less than steam cleaning.

As with steam cleaning, your technician will:

  • vacuum the carpet to remove any surface dust or dirt.
  • Apply a dry cleaning solution of cleaning solvents and water is then applied to the carpet. This solution is formulated to break down the carpet fibres, releasing any build-up of residue, which traps dirt in the fibres, allowing the dirt and soiling to be extracted.

This method uses a machine fitted with rotating pads that spin at high speed on the carpet, absorbing dirt.

The pads are made from absorbent cotton which are soaked in a mixture of hot water and conditioning solution. These are changed throughout the cleaning process as they become soiled.

Steam cleaning and dry cleaning have different benefits.

Dry cleaning leaves the carpet dry enough to walk on immediately, and will normally be completely dry within 2 hours, which is useful for carpet in a high traffic area.

So the verdict is in !

Many carpet manufacturers recommend steam cleaning as the preferred method of maintaining and prolonging the life of your carpet.

For general maintenance, dry cleaning is quick and effective; however it is only a surface clean.

For a deep and thorough carpet treatment, professional steam cleaning is the way to go.

Textile Insects In Your Carpets

Textile Insects In Your Carpets

Carpet beetles and clothes moths have not been eliminated.

In the past years, textile-eating insects were common due to the large amount of wool fibers in clothing and home furnishings.

The popularity and widespread use of synthetic fibers has led to the incorrect assumption that insect damage is a thing of the past.

Clothes moths and carpet beetles can digest protein fibers such as wool, silk and specialty hairs, but these insects will also attack synthetic fibers if they contain protein substances.

Steam Cleaning to remove insects from your carpets. Myer Carpet Cleaning servicing Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth Australia

This means that carpet, rugs, draperies and upholstery made from nylon, acrylic, polyester, acetate and other synthetics can be damaged if they contain food or beverage stains, blood, urine, perspiration or other sources of nutritional protein.

Firebrats and silverfish are also textile pests that attack carbohydrates. They eat the paste on the wall paper and book bindings as well as starched clothing.

Termites digest cellulosic materials wood and carpet backings in addition to yarns made of jute, cotton and kraftcord.

The most effective way to prevent an infestation and inhibit growth is to keep textile furnishings clean.

Spills should be removed immediately. Carpet, rugs, draperies, upholstery etc., should be brushed or vacuumed or steam cleaned regularly as insects do not generally attack clean materials.

Regular dry/steam cleaning of these articles will also decrease the chances of infestation.

Similarly, regular carpet cleaning will remove the nutritional contaminants that attract and support insects.

If an infestation has occurred, you should consult a licensed pest control operator who is experienced in treating textile products for insect control.

Carpet Water Stains

Carpet Water Stains

There can be many things that contribute to carpet water stains.

Spills, snow and water tracked in, rain through an open window, pipes bursting, leaky radiators, floods and even over wetting by do-it-yourself carpet cleaners can wet out the backing yarns of carpeting.

Followed by slow drying, this wetting will allow dye-like materials to dissolve out of the backing yarns and “wick” to the face of the carpeting.

The brown discoloration which forms is usually referred to as a water stain.


Carpet Water Stains. Professional Rug Cleaning. Servicing Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth Australia

After a water stain has developed, it may be impossible for even a professional rug cleaner to remove it.

Gradual and uniform soiling on the face yarns may cause the stain to go unnoticed until the carpeting is thoroughly cleaned.

Once the dirt is removed, the dye-like stains becomes quite apparent. However, water is essential to professional rug cleaning.

The professional cleaner knows the proper amount and the conditions under which water can be used on carpeting. For example, in a modern rug cleaning plant where controlled drying temperatures are possible, it is a safe and normal procedure to use hundreds of gallons of water on a single rug.

Professionals adjust the amount of cleaning solution, depending on the type of carpet, to avoid water stain problems.

Only surface yarns are wet out, which will result in maximum on-location cleaning and prevent water stains from occurring.